Join as a concessionary member
As a member you can:
- ✔ Decide our party policy.
- ✔ Stand for election and choose our candidates.
- ✔ Vote in future Liberal Democrat leadership elections.
Interested in helping out, or just curious about what we're doing? Then you're on the right page
Welcome. We are the Liberal Democrats' local party for the borough of Wandsworth, which covers three constituencies: Battersea, Putney and Tooting.
We are dedicated to defending and promoting liberal values and we do that by talking to and supporting our local communities, providing them with political representation, and putting forward candidates to Parliament, the London Assembly and Wandsworth Council.
We are a friendly and welcoming bunch, so if you wish to learn more about what we are doing, are interested in helping out, or are just curious about what the Liberal Democrats stand for, please do get in touch.
Terrific, we are always looking for more people to help. Here is the absolute best way you can do that:
Members are the lifeblood of a political organisation so welcome and thank you. The best way to become a member and let us know about it so we can get in contact is to:
Welcome back. The best and fastest way to do this is:
Active engagement is exactly what we're looking for. Here's the best way to get stuck in:
We have a whole section of this website dedicated to what we stand for and what our position on various issues are. Please take a look at it.
If you are still left with questions, there is the national party's website and current its main policies are available at this link:
If you want to know what we are currently campaigning on, go to our campaigns webpage.
If you are interested in our diversity approach, you can find that here.
You are not the only one. If you are feeling particularly frustrated right now - we've all been there - and there isn't an event coming up very soon, then you have several options:
It's because putting a telephone number out on the internet is pretty much a guaranteed way of getting swamped with scams, crank calls and so on.
But if you contact us via email or social media or come to an event and we interact in person, it will be far friendlier and immediate. Currently, we use WhatsApp quite a lot.
Hopefully this explains why there's a timelag barrier. If we find a better solution, we'll put it in place.
Click the arrow next to the option that most closely reflects why you want to contact us and an answer should appear beneath it.
If for whatever reason you still can't find what you're looking for, email us at and we'll get right back.