Become a member / Donate
Nothing's free in this world - including making it better
One of the most useful things you can do to support our efforts is to become a member. It's not expensive and there are benefits: for just £1 a month, you can become a part of a wider movement and get to not only vote on candidates and policy but also receive information from the national and local party about what is going on across the country.
If you aren't yet sure about becoming a member but want to support our efforts, or if you are a member and want to help us be more effective, then you can donate. Your money will be used wisely.

Your donation will make a big difference. We will use it to:
- Print out leaflets (£100 covers printing for a ward; Wandsworth has 22 wards)
- Post letters to residents and voters (£250 in postage per ward)
- Display Facebook adverts to Wandsworth residents (£25 covers several thousand voters)
- Print a Lib Dem newspaper (£1,000 per constituency; Wandsworth has three)
- Produce a wide range of other materials to inform and update residents
Please click on the banner button below to donate directly to the Wandsworth LibDems.
As a member you can:
- Decide on the party's policy - both locally and nationally
- Choose our candidates and out yourself forward to be one
- Vote in leadership elections - both locally and nationally
Most people join as a member starting at just £1 a month.
If you receive state benefits, that cost is halved.