Deliver leaflets
Help us get the word out by posting plans in post boxes
You might think putting leaflets in the post is a little outdated in the digital era - but you couldn't be further from the truth. It remains the main way we keep neighbours up-to-date with what we are doing and what we stand for.
Why do we need your help delivering them? Two reasons: one, it is prohibitively expensive to mail leaflets to everyone (we are a vounteer organisation, not a multinational); and two, many hands make light work. The more people we have, the easier and faster it is to provide people with copies.

How it works
Become a volunteer today
We are so pleased you want to join the team. If you already know how you would like to help, let us know below, if not then you can skip those questions and hit the big yellow 'I'm in' button and someone will be in contact. Thank you.