Battersea sees LibDem election manifesto launch

Yesterday the Liberal Democrats launched their 2015 election manifesto at an event in Battersea. The party's three candidates in Wandsworth hailed it as the common sense choice for voters in Wandsworth.
The manifesto sets out the party's policies in detail. These will be the basis of any a future coalition government, or any other form of working together with other parties in the next parliament. On its front cover are five key pledges:
- Prosperity for all. Balance the budget fairly and invest to build a high-skill, low-carbon economy.
- Opportunity for every child. Guarantee education funding from nursery to 19 and qualified teachers in every class.
- Fair taxes. Cut your taxes by an additional £400 by raising the Personal Allowance to £12,500.
- Our environment protected. Protect nature and fight climate change with five green laws.
- Quality health care for all. Invest £8 billion to improve our NHS and guarantee equal care for mental health.
Inside there are more of the party's plans for the future - on housing, on freedom and opportunity, on security, on our democracy and on Britain's place in the world.
Andy Hallett, candidate for Putney (picture - 2nd left with Nick Clegg) says; "Ukip, the Greens and the SNP are drawing the Conservatives and Labour into kneejerk policies of the right and left. Only the Liberal Democrats stand for policies of common sense, to take our nation into the future, rather than looking back to a fictional past of the 1950s or 1970s. I like the way the manifesto stands up for the disadvantaged in society, through stronger rights, fairer taxes and humane benefits."
Luke Taylor, candidate for Battersea (holding the poster in the picture) says: "The coalition has made good progress in clearing up the mess left by 13 years of Labour government. But there is more to do, and this manifesto shows a balanced approach to stop the national debt blighting our childrens' future, while still making necessary investments. I like the promises to tackle the country's housing crisis by building 300,000 homes a year, and protecting private tenants and leaseholders."
Philip Ling (between Luke and Nick Clegg in the picture), candidate for Tooting says: "This manifesto has opportunity at its heart. We will only have a fairer, more equal society if we invest properly in education for everybody. This is the Liberal Democrat passion. I also like the party's commitment to funding the NHS properly, and elevating mental health to its true priority."