More United and Best for Britain recommend Sue Wixley in Putney

The Liberal Democrat candidate for Putney, Southfields & Roehampton, Sue Wixley, has been selected by More United members along with 35 candidates from key marginal seats including Luciana Berger, Liberal Democrat candidate for Finchley & Golders Green.
Sue Wixley said: "I am really proud to be endorsed by More United, a cross-party movement making politics less extreme and less tribal. If we want to heal a divided Britain, politicians must work across party lines to come together beyond the election and put the national interest first to move the country forward."
The tactical voting guide released by the pro-Remain group Best For Britain has also recommended voting for the LibDem candidate, Sue Wixley. Based on the most sophisticated polling available, Best For Britain has concluded that Wixley and the LibDems are best placed to stop the Tories from driving the UK out of the EU at any cost.
Putney’s outgoing MP, Tory Justine Greening, will not support the Tory candidate in the election.
“It’s a great advantage to be the only candidate in the field whose party has a clear position on the greatest issue facing the country and a position that is aligned with the very sensible views of the great majority of Putney’s voters,” says Wixley