EU deal makes our lives poorer

Today the Liberal Democrats will be voting against the EU (Future Relationship) Bill because it is a bad deal and will make people’s lives poorer. The Liberal Democrats have also tabled a number of amendments that demand the Government protect British businesses, the rights of UK nationals and ensure Parliament has proper scrutiny over the future relationship agreement.
An affront to our democracy
Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Putney, Southfields and Roehampton, Sue Wixley, said:
"It is right that the Liberal Democrats will be voting against a deal which will be bad for people, jobs, security and our environment. For the Government to limit debate and scrutiny on the deal to just a few hours is an insult to our democracy. Given the risk to business and rights of UK nationals, Parliament must be in the driving seat.
I welcome the fact that Fleur Anderson MP has sought the views of local people and I hope that she listens to their concerns about Boris Johnson's threadbare EU deal. Like me, many of my neighbours across the constituency, urge Ms Anderson to stand by her election promises. Ms Anderson was elected on an anti-Brexit platform just a year ago. So I can’t see how she can, in good faith, vote for a Brexit deal that will make all of our lives poorer and harm local businesses and institutions.
After this terrible year, I want to see our country come together again to repair our economy, restore our communities and finally bring certainty to businesses. But the deal makes this more difficult. That is why our Member of Parliament should act in the interests of the nation and her constituents and vote against the deal."
Adjustment period for businesses
The Liberal Democrats are calling for a grace period of three months to ease the pain for businesses and enable the UK to repair its relationship with its most important international partner.