Mark Lejman
Standing for West Putney ward
Mark is standing for his home ward - West Putney - in an election on 2 May.
A strong, considered voice
1. More support for our local police
The police in our community are stretched. The Met said over a year ago it would focus more on local policing, allow officers to spend more time on neighbourhood streets, and allocate more resources. So far that hasn’t happened. I will ensure this issue is not forgotten or left behind as the council focuses on other priorities.
2. Save the High Street
Putney High Street is in a sad state. Full of boarded up shopfronts, with flagship stores gone. Not to mention the pollution. It is not the same situation in towns close by: Barnes, Richmond, Wimbledon, Kingston. There are lessons to be learnt from these Lib Dem-run councils about community involvement and I will make sure they are heard and acted on.
3. Thames so filthy rowers get sick
Putney is synonymous with the Boat Race. This year, rowers were warned not to get in the water because of E.coli that experts say come from irresponsible sewage dumping. The
Lib Dems have led the charge for years in fixing this disgraceful situation and I will too.
4. No to bad Ashburton housing plans
We need more housing in Wandsworth but among the good plans for new homes, the council is pushing terrible ones - against residents’ wishes - that will destroy green space and communities. Councils must listen to local concerns, not push political goals.

Trust in politics is at an all-time low.
The Conservative Party is in disarray.
The Labour Party is in charge but hasn’t changed anything.
There is a solution. The Lib Dems.
We have the will and the determination to make a difference – and are already doing so in Richmond, Twickenham, Kingston and Wimbledon.
There is a lot Putney can be proud of, but there are also a lot of problems created by short-term thinking, rigid ideology, and political in-fighting.
West Putney has the opportunity to elect an experienced and considered voice to a council that has vacillated between two parties for too long.
Vote for Mark Lejman on 2 May and help bring real change.

It is a privilege to be standing in this by-election as the Lib Dem candidate for West Putney ward.
My wife and I live – and love living – in West Putney. I play tennis, cycle and like visiting the local pubs, restaurants and Putney Arts theatre. I would like to contribute positively to the community which offers me so much.
I believe Putney should be a place people choose to come to. Where they can enjoy the fantastic green spaces and river. Where they can shop on clean and safe streets and where kids can enjoy the playgrounds and happily go to school.
I want Putney to be proud of being European, embracing and welcoming different cultures. Recently we had a young mother with her son stay with us from the Ukraine. The little boy went to a local primary school where the school and staff were amazing, warm and caring. He even learned what an egg and spoon race was!
As for myself: I worked in the chemical industry for many years before taking a second degree in podiatry and joining the Health Service. I was a director of the NHS Mental Health Trust over 10 years. The NHS is a wonderful organisation overwhelmed by all it is trying to do without enough resources and staff.
I will use my experience and knowledge towards making sure we have a well-run health service in Wandsworth; my energy and drive to boost the level of economic activity on the high street; and I will work with residents, such as on the Ashburton Estate, to ensure all your voices are heard.
Mark Lejman